Image of a teen boy sitting on the stairs a looking worrying at his laptop

Bullying on Social Media is Real: Here’s What you Need to Know

Social media is an excellent way to keep in touch with friends and even discover new ones, not to mention a great means of staying on top of all the latest news, music, movies, and trends. However, platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram also have a darker side: cyber bullying.

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Silhouette of a young boy with a smartphone in his hands

How to Prevent Children from Becoming Cyber Bullies Themselves

All too often we see the aftermath of cyber bullying on the news—tragic accounts of young lives deeply affected by online harassment and bullying. A child you know may have already experienced cyber bullying in some form, or even taken part in it.

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Image of a teen girl sitting in a dark room on the floor in front of the laptop looking worried

The Ill-effects of Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is real and must not be ignored. Need convincing? Just take a look at its ill-effects on the victims. Cyber bullying can impact everything from a victim’s performance in school to long-term mental health.

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Image of a smiling girl with a smartphone in her hands and her parents in the background blurry and smiling

What You Can Do as a Parent to Prevent Cyber Bullying

Young people especially students are now using technology and digital devices both in and out of school, from smartphones and laptops to text messages and social media. While this grants them more resources and efficiency in terms of searching for information, this also means that they are at risk of being a victim of cyber bullying or becoming cyber bullies themselves.

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